I’ve been trying to think of a way to wrap up my experience of 2023 all day and I’m still not sure of what to say. The idea of looking back over the year lies somewhere below ‘gouge my eyes out with a spoon’ on my bucket list. Not that it’s been full of tragedy or anything. At least, not in any big way. But ‘looking back’ implies that there have been events to look back on.
For a lot of people, they are talking about places they’ve been, holidays and adventures, visiting family and friends, parties and excursions. I’ve been precisely nowhere. I’m a homebody at the best of times and am lucky enough to live near the beach and in a place with a lot of parks and greenery so it’s hardly a hardship. But getting out and about…not so much.
Other people are posting about all the books they’ve written. Walls of amazing covers and lists of awards and accolades, glowing reviews and amazing collaborations. I published a novella at the beginning of the year, a short story at the end of the year, and one in an anthology. Not much but something, at least.
There are Spotify Wraps, Goodreads Reading Goals, and Goodbye 2023 posts on TikTok but I’ve listened to the same five songs, read the same five fanfics and taken probably five decent photos this year. So I don’t have a lot to show in that regard either.
But I do feel like I have something to show for 2023.
I made a few things, crocheted a few blankets and made some bookmarks, drew and painted a bit and had a bit of a clear out. I have been writing and getting excited about it again. I’ve watched a few new films and listened to some new music. Mika has been much easier to get along with and I’m hoping that my health will improve enough in the first half of next year that I’ll be able to go see my nibling for the first time.
Looking back on the goals I set myself for this year, I don’t think I did too badly there either. I wanted to redo my website, which I have finished the lion share of and I’m very happy with it so far. I did make some merch and made more artwork. I did start to be more active socially although not as I would have liked, what with not being able to talk much.
All in all, 2023 has been very stressful at times and, unfortunately for my social media, I am by nature…incredibly boring. So, it’s hard to give a glitzy end of year round up. But given that I try to live by the principle of “do what you can, with what you have, where you are” the year hasn’t been a failure at all. I’m still here, Mika is healthy and happy, and I have pancakes ready for breakfast tomorrow. And I’m grateful for all of that.