Please bear in mind that I’m not a reviewer.
This is just a list of what I read and what I thought about it.
My personal opinions will undoubtedly differ from yours,
and they’re no reflection on the authors or their work, simply my own thoughts.
I try to buy direct from the publisher/author where I can.
Five Stars are given to those books that I wanted to start reading again the moment they ended.
Always happy to receive recommendations in the comments.
The Fortune Hunter – Bonnie Dee … When I read the blurb for this book I was so excited. It promised to deliver something that sounded right up my alley. And it did not disappoint. In fact, it was even better than I could have hoped for.
The writing, as always from Bonnie Dee, was excellent and the story itself was delightful. That is if you like a slow burn plot that you know in your heart must end happily but you spend most of the story not knowing how that could possibly happen between the two main characters. I don’t want to give anything away, but I truly laughed aloud in places and shed a tear too. Romantic moments abound, heartbreak, and beautifully flawed characters that I loved.
I can’t give it anything but five stars as I know I’ll be reading this again when I need something comforting with a love story worth waiting for. — 5*
Silken – Isobel Starling … I wasn’t sure I was going to like this but I really did! The premise was intriguing – the long distance, anonymous, D/s couple finally meeting – and although I don’t usually read the millionaire boyfriend type stories, it actually was a very enjoyable to read about the nice apartment and fancy furniture for a change. Everything is described in detail, which I thought I would find tiring but Isabel’s style definitely grew on me Her characters are likable, interesting and, even in a short, managed to develop in a pleasing and natural way. Also, it’s as sexy as all hell. Definitely recommend and will be reading more by this author. — 4.5*
Waiting – Sue Brown … This was not what I was expecting. Actually I don’t know what I was expecting but this story developed into something rather interesting that kept me guessing. Not my usual thing but even as I questioned whether I was liking it or not, I knew I had to finish it. It was intriguing on several levels (I’m really trying to not give anything away!) and I loved the ending more than I can say. It’s a shortish read that entertained me. I liked! — 4*
Dead in L.A. – Lou Harper … I’d been putting off reading this for a while and I’m not sure why. Maybe as Lou Harper is a new author to me. I feel like an idiot now though coz omg I loved it! Two shorts in one volume (I’d kill for long version of each), two characters who are wonderful, a premise which could be a little out-there but comes across so down-to-earth—which is a magic trick all of its own. The dialogue is wonderful, the plotting is really nice and the way the characters develop and slowly bond is to die for. And the writing itself is fantastic. There are two more books in the series. I’ll be buying both. And then I’ll read this one again. Hence the five stars.
tl:dr – Read this. You won’t regret it. — 5*
Dead in the Desert – Lou Harper … I couldn’t hold out for long after reading the first book. I lasted a day before buying this one. Just as good, which is always comforting when It comes to series. The mystery was very nicely done, I enjoyed everything about the writing that I had in the first book—dialogue, character development, world building…it made me happy! I can see this series being one of my go-to comfort reads. — 4.75*
Dead and Lost – Lou Harper … By the time I was finishing up book two in this series, I was already buying this installment. A little different this time, from Leander’s POV, which was interesting and nicely done, and although I missed Jon’s view a bit, it was nice to get to “see” Leander doing his psychic thing. The mystery was good, writing was excellent. I’m really hoping there will be more. I love these books. — 4*
In the Middle of Somewhere – Roan Parrish … I’d heard good things about this book so I went into reading it with a level of optimism. Full Disclosure: I find it hard to read 1st person POV quite often and to my dismay this was present tense as well which…well, I like that less than 1st person. I struggled for a while with that aspect but I was so drawn in by the characters and the story that it didn’t take me long to get past it.
And then I read the whole thing in one sitting coz I felt like I couldn’t breathe until I found out what happened. It’s not so much a “can’t put it down” because of suspense or any sort of daring-do. You just want to be there.
Also, I have to confess, I’m generally a skimmer of sex scenes. I read for the romance not the sexytimes. But in this book, I didn’t skip a word. Every moment between Daniel and Rex, whether cooking together or talking or getting naked is…I don’t know…necessary, for want of a better word. I didn’t want to miss a moment and found myself holding my breath as I was reading. Literally breath-taking.
There were a couple of plot points which I was dismayed to find weren’t wrapped up by the end but—yay for me!—it seems the next two books in the series do just that. And I’m glad because they’re the kind of things that deserve the care attention that Roan gave to Daniel and Rex.
tl:dr I loved this. It gets 4.75 stars from me. And I probably would read it again in the future. — 4.75*
A Twist and Two Balls – Clare London … A short read but packed with flavour. I loved that this was more than two people finding love, but also finding things they didn’t even know they needed through their developing relationship. I laughed, I ‘aww’ed, writing you just can’t fault, and naked hairy men…very enjoyable. 4*
The Christmas Bonus – Isobel Starling … At just a few pages long there really wasn’t much time to get into character development or have an involved story. But it wasn’t a pwp either as the story cut off. I enjoyed it as it was but it didn’t blow my socks off like other stories from Isabel. If there’s more from these characters I will definitely read it but this was simply fine. 3*
Waiting by Sue Brown sounds like a story I’d enjoy, so I put it on my list. I’ve read all of the other authors you listed but not necessarily these books. I did enjoy the Roan Parrish title you mentioned as well as the first by Lou Harper. (FYI: It’s Isobel not Isabel.) Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Hi Kareni! I think Waiting is definitely worth a read. Even if it’s not your thing entirely, I thought it was really interesting. And thank you for the heads up about the spelling! Trust me to spell it wrong twice : )