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The “All Romance Books” Situation


If you haven’t already heard, All Romance Books is closing its doors as of 31st December 2016. Unfortunately, they appear to be scarpering out the back with authors’ and readers’ money. Authors are being offer 10¢ on the dollar for royalties from the last quarter, and nothing from the day before they emailed us about the closure, and readers credit is gone along with any money they’ve paid for pre-sales, plus the site keeps crashing so they can’t download the books they have bought and paid for. The whole thing stinks. Especially, as they’re still selling books for which the authors will receive no payment!

I had to admit to feeling so sad when I first heard about this, and I had a bit of a cry when I downloaded my sales reports this morning, but mostly I’m just steaming, fucking mad at this point even though I’ve gotten off lightly compare to some. I’m going to lose about $100, which isn’t a huge amount but, my god, I need it right now. Things could have been much, much worse. They say everything happens for a reason, and although I’ve been cussing my neck injury for making it hard to write and missing my deadline for Longing for Shelter, I think I would have been devastated if I had gone ahead and published in December.

Still, the issue going forward is primarily cleaning up this mess, and giving readers who don’t want to use Amazon a way of buying books.


If you have bought any of my books from ARe and can’t download them in time, send me a screenshot of your bookshelf or the receipt from ARe and I’ll send you a replacement file.

If you don’t want to buy from Amazon, my first choice would be for you to buy from Payhip – here. You can use Paypal (credit card and Stripe, I think), they pay directly to me as soon as you’ve bought your book, and you can get PDF, Epub and Mobi files. If you want a different kind of file, just let me know and I’ll try to get that uploaded too, if it’s possible. You can also get 25% off if you share a tweet or something social media-ish. It may be that this distributor goes bad for some reason in the future but for now, these are my go-to-guys.
Lily Blunt has kindly made a list of authors who also use the service – here.

Amazon are still there (as somebody pointed out, if they go under then the world will be on fire so it won’t matter) and if you’d like to leave a review, that’s a really helpful place to leave one. ‘Tis the Season will stay on KU for now…I’m planning on doing a second edition, then putting it on Payhip. I’ll keep you posted about that.

Anyway…I hope this helps a bit. Let’s just hope that 2017 brings less of this and more fun! Lawd knows, we need some of that x

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